Medium of Instruction

The medium of instruction is English. The Home Languages offered in Grades 10 – 12 are English and Sesotho. In Grades 7 – 9 the Home Language offered is English. The First Additional Language offered is Sesotho. In 2017 Afrikaans will be phased in as an extra First Additional Language.

Core and Extra Curricular Activities

Full academic programme is followed. Extra- curricular activities include:

Sport – Soccer, Athletics, Netball

Arts – Choir, Choral speech

Other- Chess, Rotary Interact Club, Saint Julie Society

As Parent/ Guardian I understand that photos are taken of the children for marketing purposes (Facebook/Newspapers etc.), and give consent to the school to use these photos for this purpose only.

School Rules and Regulations

In the light of the above Vision and Mission Statements, the following Rules and Regulations have been drawn up so that the school can be a place where children will learn in a happy, healthy and secure environment. 


The school day begins with assembly of all learners and educators at 07:25 and the school day ends at 14:30 On Fridays the school day ends at 13:20. Parents will be informed of any extra-curricular activities and extra classes after school.

For the benefit of learners and educators, parents and learners are expected to follow           the rules below: 

  • Attendance

Learners should attend school each day, unless they are ill, or must be absent for another serious reason. In the case of illness they should stay at home.  Parents should be aware that the Department of Education does a regular check on learners’ attendance. 

  • Punctuality

Since it is necessary for learners to be on time for assemblies, parents are requested to ensure that their children are on the school grounds at least ten minutes before the assembly is scheduled to begin.  Lateness is recorded in the class register.

  • Absenteeism

If learners are absent from school for any reason, parents should notify the school office by telephone ( Primary 056 2141211) (High 056 212 2302), or they should send a written note to the class teacher when their child returns to school. When a learner is absent during a test series and / or examination he / she must submit a Doctor’s letter/Clinic note upon return to school. Without such a valid Doctor’s letter/Clinic note the learner will receive zero for the test and or examination missed. 

  • Early Dismissal

It is against school policy to dismiss learners from school early. Therefore, the school cannot take the responsibility of allowing learners to leave school before dismissal time without the parents’ direct permission. However, in case of necessity, the parent should come to the school herself/himself when a learner is to leave school before the end of the school day. The early dismissal is recorded in the appropriate register in the reception office.



2.1 Internal relations within this School

  1. Without prejudice to the lawful authority of the Board of Governors, the Head of School, the Deputy Principal of the school, Teaching Staff, Ancillary Staff and the maintenance of discipline within the school: mindful of the Judeo-Christian belief that each person is created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26a); all interpersonal dealing between the Board and Staff, Board and children, Staff and Staff, Staff and children, children and children, shall recognize that “Everyone has inherent dignity and the right to have their dignity respected and protected”. (Constitution 2 s 10)
  2. Further, Board and Staff interpersonal dealings with children and interpersonal dealings between children shall recognize that, “Every child has the right to – to be protected from maltreatment, neglect, abuse or degradation”.  (Constitution 28 s 1(d)) .
  3. And it is further acknowledged that, “A child’s best interests are of paramount importance in every matter concerning the child”. (Constitution 28 s 2)

2.2 Child supervision

Children are not allowed to leave the school premises, without permission during              school hours.

2.3 Trips and Excursions

The school offers various opportunities for the children to participate in educational outings. As Parent/ Guardian I give consent for my child to participate in such outings and/or excursions.

2.4 Dangerous weapons

As a school we try to eliminate violence from our society. Guns and any other dangerous weapons, such as knives and swords, (even toys) are not allowed on the school premises.  The school reserves the right to search a learner if it is suspected that the learner is in possession of a dangerous weapon.

2.5   Drugs and intoxicants

No form of intoxicants (drugs, alcohol, etc) is allowed on the school premises. The school reserves the right to do a drug test if drug/alcohol abuse is suspected. 

2.6 Visitors 

In the interest of the security, and out of respect for the teaching-learning process which takes place at the school, any parents or visitors have to report to the school office when they arrive.  Parents are kindly asked to respect this rule. 


Discipline is a very important part of learners’ formation. They must acquire self-control, which shows itself in cooperation, obedience, respect for others and for property, and in good study habits. The most effective means of encouraging the above is by the positive provision, on the part of the school, of a happy, secure and loving environment where learners feel respected, and, on the part of the learners, by their observance of the Learners’ Code of Conduct.  In compliance with South African law, corporal punishment is never used at Notre Dame St Peter School. Parents who desire corporal punishment for their children should not register them at this school. 

  1. Respect for Property and the Environment

School property includes buildings, furniture, books, stationery, equipment, and the playgrounds.  School property has to serve different groups of learners over many years. All learners, therefore, should take great care of the property so that others can enjoy it. This includes keeping class rooms and playgrounds tidy. 

4.1 Textbooks

Textbooks are expensive. Learners are responsible for taking good care of books that are issued to them. They should cover their books in order to keep them clean. Parents are responsible for replacing or paying for textbooks that are damaged or lost. 

4.2 Buildings and Furniture 

Learners must not deface the desks and chairs of the school, nor should they mark the walls of buildings. Parents of learners are expected to pay for property which their children break or abuse in any way.  This includes broken windows.


4.3 The Environment

As a school we live and act with respect for the earth and the environment. For this reason, learners should not litter on the school property in respect of maintaining the environment.

No learner shall at any time show disrespect to the national flag and other symbols of the Republic of South Africa or the school where applicable.

4.4      Personal Property and the Property of Other Learners

There is a great similarity in learners’ belongings. Therefore, to assist learners in recognising their own belongings, such as lunch boxes, school bags and school uniform, and to assist staff and learners in finding lost items, parents are asked to clearly mark each item with the learner’s name. 

No cell phones, I-pods, radios, earphones, MP3s, MP4s, PSPs or any other electronic communication, games and/or music devices are allowed to be visible or in use for personal reasons, on the school premises during school hours which include teaching time, movement of learners between classes and during breaks.  A fine of R150 will be payable at the office for any electronic equipment confiscated by teachers before it will be handed back to learners. The school takes no responsibility for any personal belongings of learners in the event of loss. Each learner is expected to take responsibility for his/her own possessions. 

  1. Personal Appearance

Learners are expected to dress in school uniform each school day as well as when they attend weekend school functions. Please refer to the attachment on SCHOOL UNIFORM . Inquiries about the school uniform should be made at the school office. Learners should be encouraged to take a pride in their appearance, and so to take care of their school uniform and to wear it with dignity. The school badge, as approved by the Board will appear on the left side of shirts, jerseys and track suit tops. Please see attached Appendix 1.

  1. Guidance and Intervention

At the beginning of the third term an underperforming learner or a learner with behavioural problems will receive a “monitoring and support book”.  This will be signed by all teachers daily, to monitor the learner’s progress and improvement.  Each Friday the parent or guardian has to sign the book.  This tool will support the parent in guiding the learner.

  1. Examination regulations
  • A learner may not assist or attempt to assist, or receive or attempt to receive, communicate or attempt to communicate, any information or assistance of any nature from or to any person or source that could possibly help them in answering the question paper.
  • Learners are warned to confine them to the questions that have been set. No personal or improper remarks may be written on the answer sheets. 
  • While in the examination room learners may not have in their possession a book, memorandum, notes, maps, photos, or other documents or papers ( including unused paper), or any other material which may be of assistance to them in the examination, other than which was provided by the invigilator / teacher. 
  • Learners may not have in their possession a cell phone and smart device or any other recording or transmitting or data storage devices. Only approved non – programmable calculators may be used where the particular question paper allows for such use. 
  • Strict attention must be paid to the instructions if any printed at the top of the examination question paper.  If a learner answer more than the required number of questions, only the required number of questions in the order in which they appear on the answer sheet will be marked.
  • All work including rough work must be done on the answer sheets provided. Learners must ensure that all loose pages are handed in at the end of the session. No recognition will be given to answer sheets that learners omit to hand in immediately upon conclusion of the examination session concerned.
  • A learner must obey all reasonable instructions of the invigilator/ teacher. Creating a disturbance, unruly or disruptive behaviour, intimidation, bribery or attempted bribery, drunkenness, being under the influence of drugs and disregarding the arrangements and or instructions of the invigilator/ teacher are punishable offences.
  1. Promotion requirements

Grades 1-3

  1. Level 4 in Home Language
  2. Level 3 in First Additional Language
  3. Level 3 in Mathematics

Please note that evidence of all school – based assessment must be filed in the learner’s subject portfolio.

Grades 4 – 6

  1. Level 4 in Home Language
  2. Level 3 in First Additional Language
  3. Level 3 in Mathematics
  4. Level 3 in any three (2) other required subjects

Please note that evidence of all school – based assessment must be filed in the learner’s subject portfolio.

Grades 7 – 9

  1. Level 4 in Home Language
  2. Level 3 in First Additional Language
  3. Level 3 in Mathematics
  4. Level 3 in any three (3) other required subjects

Please note that evidence of all school – based assessment must be filed in the learner’s subject portfolio.


Grades 10 – 12

  1. Achieve 40% in three (3) subjects, one of which is a Home Language
  2. Achieve 30% in three(3) subjects 

Please note that evidence of all school – based assessment must be filed in the learner’s subject portfolio.

Table 2: Scale of Achievement for the National Curriculum Statement Grades 7 – 12

Achievement Level

Achievement Description



Outstanding Achievement

80 – 100


Meritorious Achievement

70 – 79


Substantial Achievement

60 – 69


Adequate Achievement

50 – 59


Moderate Achievement

40 – 49


Elementary Achievement

30 – 39


Not Achieved

0 – 29

  1. General

No circular, notice, banner, poster or other written or graphic object may be distributed or placed on any of the school’s notice boards or property without the prior consent of the Head of School. Notwithstanding the fact that a certain act or omission may not be a direct contravention of any of the paragraphs of this code of conduct, any act or omission which in the opinion of the Head of School constitutes disorderly or unacceptable behaviour by a learner, shall be deemed a contravention of the code of conduct.



Positive conduct has been grouped into Levels, each with its MERIT awarded to it:

Level 1: General = learner will receive 1 merit

  • Reporting of negative behavior of other learners
  • Handed in lost goods or money
  • Honesty
  • Helpfulness
  • Sense of duty
  • Caring behavior
  • Politeness
  • Self – control
  • Show patience

Level 2: Sport and Culture = learner will receive 1 merit

  • Participation in debates
  • Participation in sport
  • Participation in cultural activities
  • Member of St Julie Society (for participation in outreaches)
  • Member of Interact club (for participation in outreaches)

Level 3: Academic = learner will receive 2 merits

  • Participation in Olympiads
  • Participation in Expo’s 
  • Continuous hard work academically (Top Ten)

Learners with Merits and no Demerits will be recognized as the school sees fit each year 


Conduct have been grouped into Levels, each with its CONSEQUENCE as well as action implemented by the administrators

LEVEL 1 = learners will receive 1 demerit

  • Homework/tasks/assignments/ not done
  • Textbook or notes not available
  • Books not covered
  • Doing other work in class
  • Talking in class
  • Not handing in book/work/assignment
  • Late for class
  • No absenteeism note/doctor’s certificate
  • Incorrect school uniform
  • Incorrect appearance
  • Throwing objects in class
  • Throwing objects from the balcony
  • Using of cell phone, digital or analogue device during class time (if not approved by teacher)
  • Chewing/eating in class

Level 2 = learners will receive 3 demerits

  • Doing no work at all/not working in class
  • Repeatedly not listening to instructions
  • Wandering around in class
  • Calling out repeatedly
  • Making sounds/rude noises in class
  •  ‘backchatting’
  • Leaving class without permission
  • Changing subjects without the necessary documentation
  • Dishonouring 
  • Fighting 
  • Damaging school property
  • Chronically away from school
  • Cheating in tests or exams
  • Verbal dishonesty
  • Attitude and behaviour
  • Leaving school without permission 
  • Physical affection which is inappropriate or offensive

Level 3 = learners will receive 5 demerits

    • Assault
    • Instigation or provocation to assault
  • Possession of tobacco (smoking), in school uniform/on school property/at any school event
  • Possession of drugs/alcohol in school uniform/on school property/at any school event
  • Bullying
  • Mocking friends
  • Theft 
  • Any criminal offence
  • The use or the possession of Dangerous weapons
  • The possession or distribution of Pornography
  • Racism
  • Xenophobia
  • Sexual harassment
  • Threatening other learners
  • Inappropriate behaviour
  • Plagiarism
  • Forging of school notes from parents or any other documents
  • Copying information from other learners’ tasks, projects, assignments, or other written work
  • Gambling of any kind
  • Bunking of class
  • Vandalism 
  • The use of Satanic symbols on the body (drawing), clothing or any property
  • Playing of any Satanic games


Merits and Demerits will accumulate during the course of the year.  The learners begin each year with a zero total of merits and demerits.

In the event of the school signing a contract with the learner and his/her parents regarding the conditions for re-registering as a learner in this school, the contract and breach thereof if any will override the learner’s demerits and could lead to possible expulsion. 

The following are the outcomes (linked to the demerit totals):

  • After the learner has accumulated 10 demerits he/she will have to attend a detention on a Wednesday / Friday afternoon for two hours
  • With a total of 20 demerits a letter will be sent to the parents/ guardians to inform them of their child’s behaviour
  • When the learner has a total of 25 demerits he/she together with parents will have a meeting with the Head of School, relevant SMT member and a member of the Board or Owner if available.  This could lead to a possible suspension.
  • When the learner has a total of 30 demerits he/she together with the parents will have to attend a Disciplinary Hearing with the Head of School, relevant SMT member and a member of the Board or Owner if available.  The learner will be suspended for a certain period considering the seriousness of the conduct.
  • When the learner has reached or exceeded 50 demerits he/she together with the parents will have to attend a Disciplinary Hearing with the Head of School, relevant SMT member and a member of the Board or Owner if available.  The Head of School and Disciplinary Committee could expel the learner from the school.
  1.     Re-Admission

The school reserves the right to re-consider the re-admission of a learner guilty of numerous misdemeanors and/or poor academic performance.